Trust ~ Communication ~ Intimacy



T o o l s   F o r   T o g e t h e r n e s s

Do you wonder if you and your partner are growing apart?  

Do you keep having the same argument, without anything changing?  

Do you feel like giving up?

Private Intensives and Accelerated Therapy

Many couples appreciate the opportunity to explore their relationship in greater depth with us.

We can guide you through the challenging conversations that benefit from experienced relationship guides.

Two alternatives are available: 3 hour to weekend long intensives, and short term accelerated therapy.

Explore your relationship in the privacy of our Ventura office, in your home, or at a beautiful retreat location.

Allow us to create the perfect program for your relationship.

Call or email to schedule a phone consultation.


(805) 322-4876

“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.”  ~~  Anne Sexton

Sometimes the feelings that bring couples together

get lost in the struggles of everyday life.


          Learn how to resolve conflicts and share feelings without arguing.

          Create deeper intimacy instead of distance.

          Grow together instead of drifting apart.

We work with couples and individuals to help them grow together and stay together.

.9999 We would like to help you and your partner have a loving relationship.